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Thursday, August 2, 2007

Sometime's you need a break from your chidlren perhaps to walk down memory lane with your husband enjoy a good movie or a musical play even a candle light dinner...or perhaps you need to work and have no baby-sitter it could be that you are stuck in the last minute than you start making phone calls hoping that you find someone and you don't. Perhaps you want to enjoy a single night out with the girls and have no one to stay with your child. It is hard to find someone you could trust and perhaps have some kind of background checks.. If you do not know the neightbor next door I understand that it it hard to leave your child alone with a total stranger.
How about if I tell you that you have someone trustworthy and is dependable. Than you come to the right place- This is a place for you and your child to be safe and give you some space to enjoy yourself and take time away from being a mom. Let us be the mom for a couple of hours while you enjoy yourself. For all kind of MOMS visit us at:

Find the best local babysitters at

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